Sunday 25 April 2021

Fruit, drain and fungus fly rant

Let me start off with saying I respect and understand insects are needed and beneficial to the ecosystem... so this isn't about them. This post is specifically for these piece of shits.

They are the most useless, stupid, nasty, foul, annoying PIECE OF SHIT ass insects I've ever seen.

How fucking stupid and useless do you have to be for the highlight of your life is to zig zag into humans, annoy them then either get killed by a slap or in the same food/drink your stupid ass is trying to steal from me?

Dumb cunts can't even comprehend to fuck off and quit fucking with larger, stronger creatures - something even an ant is able to comprehend.

You also know you're a piece of shit invasive pest when you Do. Not. Go. Away. Fucking idiots can't ever just fuck off, get the fuck out of OUR house. I don't go in nature (the whole world is theres.. all we have is our homes) stealing their food or jumping into them - so stay THE FUCK away from me and my fucking house, you unwanted, unliked, uninvited cunt.

I never really had a hatred for insects besides wasps/hornets and mosquitoes, but these stupid (literally stupid) piece of shits are among the most annoying and shit ass insects I've ever seen.

submitted by /u/AntiBullshyt
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