Saturday 2 October 2021

are mantids intelligent?

earlier this summer, i saw a tiny little mantis crawling around the back deck. i watched her for awhile, didn't think anything of it. didn't see her again until about a month ago--now she's a big, fully grown mantis.

she hangs out in the same place every day, on the deck railing. every single day she's there, and she goes away in the evening. next morning, she's back. i've been going out there and hanging out next to her when i have my morning vape.

i call her Connie. Connie Mantis.

monday morning, i went out there like usual. Connie turned her head and looked at me, and she scuttled over and sat on my arm. she stayed there about 10 mins, then i scooched her off and went inside.

she's done this every morning since then O.o

i go out there and put my arm over the railing, Connie turns and looks, and she walks over and sits on my arm.

this morning i tried something different. i went about 10 feet away, and guess what? she walked over the entire railing and sat on my arm.

are some mantids intelligent? can they sense and remember smells, maybe? she seems to like me. is it possible that she somehow "recognizes" me, or my scent?

i'm kinda sad that she's gonna die when winter comes. is keeping a pet mantis hard?

submitted by /u/sharkpickles
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