Wednesday 30 June 2021

Do owl butterfly caterpillars have regional variants?

Hi, back when I was in middle school I found a caterpillar in the school's football court (football, soccer, whatever you call it, this post is not about it). It was green and it had a red head with horns that made it look like the dragon Smaug from The Hobbit. So I named it Smaug and showed it to my science teacher, and she told me it would be cool to take care of it in the school's lab. We took photos of it and send them to an entomologist, but he told us he didn't know the species and that we would have to wait to get an ID. Soon the caterpillar became a cocoon, and I was super excited to see what it would look like. Sadly, the cocoon ended up dying, it became all dark black and it had a hole in it. I was so sad. I decided to do some research but I couldn't find anything on it at the time, but recently I found out about owl butterflies and their caterpillars and it seems to be a match, except for the color. Most of the pictures I can find are brown, but the shape of the head and the patterns on the body are the same, I remember perfectly.

So I am assuming it's a regional variant of some kind. Maybe it's because where I live the climate is more tropical? (Southern Mexico btw). This is puzzling me.

(Unrelated, but I would like to become an entomologist, I am assuming you have to study biology right? Just a side question).

submitted by /u/Lexdrillo
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What is this Beetle? ~2in long, located in VT

What is this Beetle? ~2in long, located in VT submitted by /u/Doug_Getty
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What are these things on the broccoli. True bugs of some sort is what I was thinking but I’m not sure.

What are these things on the broccoli. True bugs of some sort is what I was thinking but I’m not sure. submitted by /u/NeeBob
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Ladybug in kitchen - afraid it’ll get stepped on and that I’ve accidentally hurt it??

This might sound silly and I do have bad anxiety, but I just came across an adorable ladybug crawling around on the kitchen floor and I’m worried it’ll get stepped on if I don’t remove it from the kitchen. But I’m also worried if I move it elsewhere that I’ll accidentally crush one of its legs or hurt it in some other way. I did try to get it to crawl onto my finger a couple times but it wasn’t interested. Could I have accidentally hurt it while doing that? Also, it’s 1am where I am and so I was in the kitchen using my iPhone flashlight instead of turning the kitchen light on - could shining the light on the ladybug have hurt it in any way, especially since the light was pretty close to the ladybug? And should I try to remove it from the kitchen so it doesn’t get stepped on or something?

Thank you so much!!

submitted by /u/scrantonicity44
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Did something happen to my praying mantis's eyes? They used to be a solid green like the rest of him, now they're a dark purple tinge with white spots on the front. I Googled their species (rhombodera megaera) and their eyes all seem solid green into adulthood.

submitted by /u/Robolover33
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What the heck is this? Help

What the heck is this? Help submitted by /u/moonmo27
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Subterranean Termites waiting to swarm.

Subterranean Termites waiting to swarm. submitted by /u/TotallyBryan
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What are these guys?

What are these guys? submitted by /u/Gold_Amalgam
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No pictures because he was very small.. but I drew him. Any ideas? Ontario, Canada, tried to search online but found nothing.

No pictures because he was very small.. but I drew him. Any ideas? Ontario, Canada, tried to search online but found nothing. submitted by /u/TroLLageK
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I found what looks to be an assassin bug in my bathroom!

I found what looks to be an assassin bug in my bathroom! submitted by /u/armbones
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Found this little guy in Mombasa, Kenya. Can anyone ID him?

Found this little guy in Mombasa, Kenya. Can anyone ID him? submitted by /u/VULPES117
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when doing light traps at night

when doing light traps at night submitted by /u/kuyawil77
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First time seeing a hellgrammite/dobsonfly larvae in real life. This one was almost the size of my hand! Ontario, Canada

First time seeing a hellgrammite/dobsonfly larvae in real life. This one was almost the size of my hand! Ontario, Canada submitted by /u/dreamfeverr
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What is this bug?

What is this bug? submitted by /u/Blackthorn08
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Feeding Rose Chafer Beetle [OC]

Feeding Rose Chafer Beetle [OC] submitted by /u/Dalantech
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A male dobsonfly is sleeping on our garage! I searched "bug with fangs" to ID him lol

submitted by /u/kalospkmn
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Found it on my balcony over a fake leaf, any ideas?. Pittsburgh PA

Found it on my balcony over a fake leaf, any ideas?. Pittsburgh PA submitted by /u/Queen_of_Entropy
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Found this flamboyant little ant thing eating a spider. Anybody know what it is? (Found in Oregon)

Found this flamboyant little ant thing eating a spider. Anybody know what it is? (Found in Oregon) submitted by /u/chadunit01
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Probably very stupid question but only place I could think asking it

I had this little silverfish that lived were my plants stayed and that I cared about since it had been staying there for quite some time now so I really started caring about it and taking care of it and avoid to hurt it. Idk how intelligent they can be but since I started it began to approach me every time I got near it and really just look at me without running away and sometimes getting like really near my hand. Today after I got home adding 2 new plants my grandmother tried to kill it but managed only to break some of its legs and antennas. I feel really sad for it, how can I help it or can it regrow it's limbs? He isn't able to move and idk what to do. Can I take of it by giving it food, water and a covered place to stay until it passes away or would the moral thing to do is to put an end to the suffering? I know it's weird but I absolutely hated every insect, bug and arachnid until something got to me and i always try to avoid killing them now and I feel really sad.

TLDR: it lost some limbs and can't move but is alive, can I take care of it/will it grow the limbs back or is it better to end it?

submitted by /u/dragos412
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I hate these stupid bugs. What are they? Maybe I should appreciate them more for some reason?

I hate these stupid bugs. What are they? Maybe I should appreciate them more for some reason? submitted by /u/ArchivalMemory
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Weevil Wednesday! Swipe for a Panorama! [OC]

Weevil Wednesday! Swipe for a Panorama! [OC] submitted by /u/SelfishlyHypnotic
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Praying mantis nymph hitching a ride. Southern IN

Praying mantis nymph hitching a ride. Southern IN submitted by /u/emmaworldwide
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Two Otiorhynchus pseudonothus mating? that I found in my backyard Stockholm

Two Otiorhynchus pseudonothus mating? that I found in my backyard Stockholm submitted by /u/Hexolith
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These summer chafers are flying in the hundreds in a meadow close to where I live. Very curious beetles who likes to land on people walking by, and checking out ears. Very beefy and loud flapping sound!

These summer chafers are flying in the hundreds in a meadow close to where I live. Very curious beetles who likes to land on people walking by, and checking out ears. Very beefy and loud flapping sound! submitted by /u/DeadOrganism
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Weaver ants feasting on Hunchback ant drones after their nuptial flight.

Weaver ants feasting on Hunchback ant drones after their nuptial flight. submitted by /u/thomvee
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Tuesday 29 June 2021

This guy was on my wall, now it is sitting at the table staring at me. I have noticed that insects (cockroaches, flies) on my table are always staring at me, as if they were observing me. Can anybody explain this behavior?

This guy was on my wall, now it is sitting at the table staring at me. I have noticed that insects (cockroaches, flies) on my table are always staring at me, as if they were observing me. Can anybody explain this behavior? submitted by /u/Heptaex
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I haven't seen snails in almost a decade here in New Mexico, anyone know what these are exactly?

I haven't seen snails in almost a decade here in New Mexico, anyone know what these are exactly? submitted by /u/Gunzerkerboi
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Found A Praying Mantis On My Wall

It's in my room. At the beginning, it was just chilling there. However, after 5 minutes, I saw it turn its head to towards me while its body stayed in the same position. It was almost as if it was staring at me. Very interesting. Also does anybody know why they jiggle?

submitted by /u/Heptaex
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This cicada came out of the ground in my yard Sunday night, and I recorded a time lapse of it molting.

This cicada came out of the ground in my yard Sunday night, and I recorded a time lapse of it molting. submitted by /u/TDtangents
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Some of my adventures and companions, could someone tell me what the last one is? Found multiple on a tree up in new meadows(idaho)

Some of my adventures and companions, could someone tell me what the last one is? Found multiple on a tree up in new meadows(idaho) submitted by /u/Originalu8
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Hand for scale excuse my nails lol but does anyone know who my friend is that I met while gardening? Am I correct In assuming they’re some type of long horn? Long Island NY, USA

Hand for scale excuse my nails lol but does anyone know who my friend is that I met while gardening? Am I correct In assuming they’re some type of long horn? Long Island NY, USA submitted by /u/Particulard
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Found this little one struggling on the ground so we hung out until she was ready for lift off

Found this little one struggling on the ground so we hung out until she was ready for lift off submitted by /u/Originalu8
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