Wednesday 30 June 2021

Ladybug in kitchen - afraid it’ll get stepped on and that I’ve accidentally hurt it??

This might sound silly and I do have bad anxiety, but I just came across an adorable ladybug crawling around on the kitchen floor and I’m worried it’ll get stepped on if I don’t remove it from the kitchen. But I’m also worried if I move it elsewhere that I’ll accidentally crush one of its legs or hurt it in some other way. I did try to get it to crawl onto my finger a couple times but it wasn’t interested. Could I have accidentally hurt it while doing that? Also, it’s 1am where I am and so I was in the kitchen using my iPhone flashlight instead of turning the kitchen light on - could shining the light on the ladybug have hurt it in any way, especially since the light was pretty close to the ladybug? And should I try to remove it from the kitchen so it doesn’t get stepped on or something?

Thank you so much!!

submitted by /u/scrantonicity44
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