Wednesday 30 June 2021

Probably very stupid question but only place I could think asking it

I had this little silverfish that lived were my plants stayed and that I cared about since it had been staying there for quite some time now so I really started caring about it and taking care of it and avoid to hurt it. Idk how intelligent they can be but since I started it began to approach me every time I got near it and really just look at me without running away and sometimes getting like really near my hand. Today after I got home adding 2 new plants my grandmother tried to kill it but managed only to break some of its legs and antennas. I feel really sad for it, how can I help it or can it regrow it's limbs? He isn't able to move and idk what to do. Can I take of it by giving it food, water and a covered place to stay until it passes away or would the moral thing to do is to put an end to the suffering? I know it's weird but I absolutely hated every insect, bug and arachnid until something got to me and i always try to avoid killing them now and I feel really sad.

TLDR: it lost some limbs and can't move but is alive, can I take care of it/will it grow the limbs back or is it better to end it?

submitted by /u/dragos412
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