Monday, 5 April 2021

Anyone else REALLY disgusted and saddened by this?

I'm not an entomologist or bug nerd but felt drawn to speak about this. I was searching for some of those funny bee/wasp memes to send to my mom because I'm a big bee person and stumbled upon r/fuckwasps. I thought "Oh how silly and funny. People just make dumb textposts about wasps or memes and complain." But as I went through it I disturbingly started to realize that a lot of these people were actually torturing these poor wasps. I don't like wasps any more than the next person but WTF?

I searched by controversial to see if anyone was thinking this and surely enough there were a couple of people talking about how sick it was and how did it turn into this and the comments would go "WeLl wAsPs DoN't FeEl PaIn." Well so what? It seems like the debate whether bugs feel pain is uncertain from evidence but obviously I'm sure the wasps are aware of what is happening to them.and even if not, why the hell would you hurt or torture something just for the sake of it? I'm disgusted and upset with the world.

submitted by /u/ans97
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