Saturday 3 October 2020

Can moths have parasites?

Okay, I have a HORRIBLE phobia of parasites but I can’t watch an animal die. I saw a moth on the ground and he was dying, so I put him on a cloth to rest. I came back 5 minutes later and he was close to being dead, so I looked over his body for missing limbs, etc, what could’ve hurt him, and there was a gooey looking blob on his back, it was kinda transparent/white. I wanted to see what it was, so I got a pencil and pulled some of it out, and it was stringy and stuck to the cloth he was on, immediately he started to move again and tried to fly away, but he couldn’t because the “string” was attached to the cloth. At this point I was hyperventilating explaining to my mom that she needed to help save this moth. I don’t know what she did but she said it flew away outside. (I was in the bathroom on the verge of having a panic attack. My phobia of parasites is that bad.) So... was it a parasite? Or did I accidentally hurt this poor baby? Or could it just be something that stuck to him? Thanks.

submitted by /u/Teatookle
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