Saturday 31 October 2020

Spodoptera litura, otherwise known as the tobacco cutworm moth!

Spodoptera litura, otherwise known as the tobacco cutworm moth! submitted by /u/kattykmila
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What is this little guy? I tried not to disturb this beautiful bug but I think I scared him a little. I’m in south eastern US in a costal area

What is this little guy? I tried not to disturb this beautiful bug but I think I scared him a little. I’m in south eastern US in a costal area submitted by /u/f-this-world
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Not sure if this is allowed, but my wife and daughters wanted to be butterflies for Halloween so I went as an entomologist

Not sure if this is allowed, but my wife and daughters wanted to be butterflies for Halloween so I went as an entomologist submitted by /u/Piratey_Pirate
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where could I obtain an European hornet state to have them thrive on my balcony?

So first of all, please don't try to talk me out of it. It's not possible. It's gonna happen.

Originally I wanted to put up a honeybee hive literally on my balcony to do something against the extensive insect extinction. Apparently European honeybee's aren't really close to extinction or even threatened. Many people like honeybees.

When it comes to European Hornets, the situation is completely different. They are officially protected in my jurisdiction, since they're in decline and they count as "threatened". Most people see them as pests (I don't). They're often illegally killed. If you officially want to remove a hive, you'd have to call a special office from the municipality, to have them sent someone who will then repatriate the hive.

But sadly, in some cases the Hornet state would be killed using pesticides from a hardware store.

That's why I want to give these friendly insects a safe harbour on my property.

But how to get my hands on a hornet state or queen?

Obviously I wouldn't want to take them out of the wild.

I tried to call some local pest-control companies. Maybe they'd sell me a hive rather than kill the hornets. I had no success so far.

Moreover, I couldn't find a place that sells European hornets.

Any suggestions?

I'm planning this in advance for next spring, want to get it right.

Location would be Germany

submitted by /u/touching-the-voids
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What is this?

What is this? submitted by /u/specialed71
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Help Identify Caterpillar?

Help Identify Caterpillar? submitted by /u/LadyTheotheCatMom
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Can someone tell me what this is? Thanks

Can someone tell me what this is? Thanks submitted by /u/Rough_Oven
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Cicada cup

Cicada cup submitted by /u/Chernoya
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Dizzy wasp

Dizzy wasp submitted by /u/CloseUpFun
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Rare view of blackscorpion releasing venom

Rare view of blackscorpion releasing venom submitted by /u/shanrap
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Would anyone be able to ID this one? We found it on the bed while we were changing the sheets. The humidity in the room is relatively high. Thanks!

Would anyone be able to ID this one? We found it on the bed while we were changing the sheets. The humidity in the room is relatively high. Thanks! submitted by /u/BorealSpring
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Monolectic UK bee species

Just wondering if there were any bee species in the UK that are monolectic?

submitted by /u/TangJTL
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Happy Hallowe'en! Been waiting all month to share this link

submitted by /u/cygnet_ring
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Is the european dark bee A. m. mellifera poly or monolectic?

I'm currently doing a group presentation on "How can we maintain bee health by manipulating floral composition", part of my section is looking at how floral composition affects different bee species, i.e Osmia bicornis is polylectic and offspring size is more dependant on total pollen mass rather than diversity and I'm looking for papers on the European dark bee to see if there's anything similar.

submitted by /u/TangJTL
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Color Changing+Batesian Mimicry

Color Changing+Batesian Mimicry submitted by /u/KimmyPotatoes
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Mind Controlling Insect Parasites

Mind Controlling Insect Parasites submitted by /u/AzFk
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Aggressive Camponotus compressus worker ants

Aggressive Camponotus compressus worker ants submitted by /u/thomvee
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Feeding my paper wasp queens

Feeding my paper wasp queens submitted by /u/Jesse_etk
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Feeding Hoverfly III [6000x4000] [OC]

Feeding Hoverfly III [6000x4000] [OC] submitted by /u/Dalantech
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Bug bite help? Eastern nsw, australia

Bug bite help? Eastern nsw, australia submitted by /u/roselamour
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Podagritus in Australia | Catalogue of Organisms

The digger wasps of the tribe Crabronini are a widespread group distinguished by a boxy head shape and relatively stout mesosoma. They are not dissimilar to hairless bees and indeed are close relatives of that group. There is a wide diversity of crabronins around the world; among their representatives here in Australia are members of the genus Podagritus.

Podagritus cf. tricolor, from Insects of Australia.

Podagritus species are medium-sized, elongate crabronins, generally in the region of a centimetre in length (give or take a few millimetres). The gaster is pedunculate (that is, the first segment of the metasoma is drawn into an elongate peduncle). Other, finer features distinguishing them from related genera of crabronins include a palpal formula of 5-3 (referring to the number of segments in the maxillary and labial palps, respectively; 5-3 indicates that both palps are slightly reduced from the ancestral count for crabronins) and often the presence of a sharp subvertical ridge, the omaulus, near the front of the mesopleuron (the median plate on the side of the mesosoma). If the omaulus is not present as such, there is still a distinct curve where it would have been so the planes of the mesopleuron on either side are more or less perpendicular. Females have a well defined triangular, flat pygidial plate and males often have one as well (Bohart & Menke 1976).

Thirty species of Podagritus were recognised from Australia by Leclercq (1998). Other species of the genus are known from New Zealand and South America. Historically, the Australian species have been treated as a distinct subgenus Echuca from Podagritus elsewhere, based on features such as a well defined, flat prepectus and a weakly sculpted metapleuron. Leclercq, however, questioned the value of this distinction, noting the existence of a couple of Australian species sharing notable features in common with species found elsewhere, and suggested abandoning subgenera until the genus could be revised as a whole.

The natural history of Podagritus species in Australia remains poorly known. One species found in the east of the continent, P. leptospermi, has been found nesting in a sloping gravel bank (Bohart & Menke 1976). Burrows were near vertical and close to a foot deep, and contained two or three cells placed at the ends of lateral galleries (one cell per gallery). Entrances were surrounded by flat mounds of sand six to ten centimetres wide and were not closed while the female was out hunting. Cells were stocked with flies (Tachinidae and Therevidae, so presumably reasonably large) that were initially stored at the bottom of the burrow before being placed in the cell head inwards and belly up, in lots of four to six. The egg was attached to a fly between the head and thorax, so when the larva hatched it would find itself already in place on a welcoming bed of food.


Bohart, R. M., & A. S. Menke. 1976. Sphecid Wasps of the World. University of California Press: Berkeley.

Leclercq, J. 1998. Hyménoptères sphécides crabroniens d'Australie du genre Podagritus Spinola, 1851 (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Entomofauna 19 (18): 285–308.

Friday 30 October 2020

Invertebrate Discord Server

Hello everyone! Bug Hub is a discord server that is focused around the topic of invertebrates. Specifically around arthropods, but all invert chat is allowed! We are a new server, with around 750 members with an average of 1-2k messages a day. We have a very friendly community and are always there to answer any questions! We also have quite a few users who pin insects, and have a specific specimen collecting channel. Invite:

submitted by /u/Antimatter78
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Leopard, Megan Holdham (me), Oil Paint on Panel, 2020

Leopard, Megan Holdham (me), Oil Paint on Panel, 2020 submitted by /u/MeganHoldhamStudio
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The commander.

The commander. submitted by /u/disusernamealsotaken
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Ants have highly socialized communities. Check out this video where worker and soldier ants are protecting their population.

Ants have highly socialized communities. Check out this video where worker and soldier ants are protecting their population. submitted by /u/vaginagrandidentata
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Male hissers living together

I have two male Madagascar hissing cockroaches in the same tank. I know that they can be territorial, and males will "fight" for an area, but one of the males seems to pick on the other one a lot. Is that something to be concerned about? Should I separate them into different tanks, or would a larger tank reduce the hostility (currently housed in a plastic 3-gallon terrarium)? I had females previously, and they were very social with each other.

submitted by /u/InevitableRent1
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What type of insect makes this nest? Nc

What type of insect makes this nest? Nc submitted by /u/irishfan1121
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African Trapdoor Spider

African Trapdoor Spider submitted by /u/SteveReddon
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Beetle/Other Inverts Discord Server

Hey! Coleoptera Camp is a server focused on providing a positive community to discuss all things insects and inverts. We generally have over 4,000 messages per day and overall are extremely experienced and active. We can ID bugs in minutes and assist with any invert questions you may have!

Feel free to check us out! <3

submitted by /u/gavinlooong
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Preserving in resin?

So i have started collecting mantids and they are now adults and will likely die in the next week or two, I was wondering how I could go about preserving in resin? i have read about how to relax them so that you can choose their position however I don't know how to got about setting them in resin so that it is clear and no bubbles, if anybody has any tips on relaxing them or what resin to use or anything that may be useful I would love to hear them. Thanks

submitted by /u/SirObalobus
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Emerald roaches enjoying a slice of apple!

Emerald roaches enjoying a slice of apple! submitted by /u/yeaasty
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Check out my YouTube channel City ants for ant content!

Check out my YouTube channel City ants for ant content! submitted by /u/Brief_Astronaut_6361
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My first tattoo! I had the artist draw directly from photos of one of my collected cicadas

My first tattoo! I had the artist draw directly from photos of one of my collected cicadas submitted by /u/cicadajoneskd
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Doesn't it look cute? Chinese oak silk moth (Antheraea pernyi) male

Doesn't it look cute? Chinese oak silk moth (Antheraea pernyi) male submitted by /u/IsThisTakenOrThis
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escape artist!

escape artist! submitted by /u/artshiuli
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Prenolepis imparis queen and male reproductives in October?!?!

Prenolepis imparis queen and male reproductives in October?!?! submitted by /u/Brief_Astronaut_6361
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I’m thinking this is a spittle bug (have never seen one before) but I can’t find the exact kind. It has a very distinct white band.

I’m thinking this is a spittle bug (have never seen one before) but I can’t find the exact kind. It has a very distinct white band. submitted by /u/roastdabunnies
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Thought you guys might like my new tattoo. 🌿

Thought you guys might like my new tattoo. 🌿 submitted by /u/AllieBeauBeetle
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These three Coccinelidae sp. were hanging together on my grapefruit tree 👩‍👩‍👧

These three Coccinelidae sp. were hanging together on my grapefruit tree 👩‍👩‍👧 submitted by /u/jonfru
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Papilio ulysses - Blue Mountain Swallowtail

Papilio ulysses - Blue Mountain Swallowtail submitted by /u/joruuhs
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Unusual looking insects - any identification?

Unusual looking insects - any identification?

I was wondering if anyone would be able to suggest an identification for these little insects (or creatures)? Found in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia and was on the leaves of a Kumquat tree. Thanks!

Insect 1 - Photo 1

Insect 1 - Photo 2

Insect 2 - Photo 1

submitted by /u/Piano_Trombone_Guy
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Thursday 29 October 2020

modeling on the fig tree

modeling on the fig tree submitted by /u/no_relieff
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Ken M on moderate Republicans, unexpected Entomology.

Ken M on moderate Republicans, unexpected Entomology. submitted by /u/shoneone
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Blue Bees!

Blue Bees! submitted by /u/BUGPSYCHO
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"Dairy Cow" isopod showing off strength

"Dairy Cow" isopod showing off strength submitted by /u/Miracrosse
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Stingless bee native to South America (Argentina). If someone can point out the species, much appreciated!

Stingless bee native to South America (Argentina). If someone can point out the species, much appreciated! submitted by /u/fachobuenmuchacho
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This video is filled with things that scare people...

This video is filled with things that scare people... submitted by /u/EarthReader
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Greenville, SC Zeta survivor

Greenville, SC Zeta survivor submitted by /u/mrspaisley85
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I find it fascinating that Katydids change colour according to what they eat in order to blend in. Here is one I saw on a red form of Acalypha. Qld, Australia.

I find it fascinating that Katydids change colour according to what they eat in order to blend in. Here is one I saw on a red form of Acalypha. Qld, Australia. submitted by /u/WideBrownLand
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Can anyone tell me what these are? i’m assuming some kind of insect eggs. Location is North Carolina.

Can anyone tell me what these are? i’m assuming some kind of insect eggs. Location is North Carolina. submitted by /u/RileyMinPark
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Question: Would it be possible to selectively breed/genetically modify Scarab beetles to be like the ones in The Mummy (1999)?

If so how would it be done and how long would it take? Obviously I'm not going to do this but I'm just interested if this can be done.

submitted by /u/SaberX91
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Found this small lad on some Hemlock branches chowing down on scale insects. One of the Dusky Ladybug Beetles.

submitted by /u/KimmyPotatoes
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Largest Mantis Discord Server

Mantis Mansion is the largest mantis community on Discord. We offer experienced keepers, an active community, genus dedicated channels, and more.

222 current members, hop in today.

submitted by /u/Jake_Grape
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I find plenty of ticks on me or animals, but this was the first I've met on its own terms - Dog Tick - Nebraska - OC

I find plenty of ticks on me or animals, but this was the first I've met on its own terms - Dog Tick - Nebraska - OC submitted by /u/RichardMcNixon
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ID on this little fella? He's been sitting on my desk for years

ID on this little fella? He's been sitting on my desk for years submitted by /u/bicecreamorbnothing
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These friendly guys always show up in winter—Western Conifer Seed Bug in BW, Germany

These friendly guys always show up in winter—Western Conifer Seed Bug in BW, Germany submitted by /u/dumbboi1000
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Hey all! I need your help figuring out what ate my taxidermy moths. There is no point of entry, so I’m assuming whatever these are came from inside the moths? Thank you in advance

Hey all! I need your help figuring out what ate my taxidermy moths. There is no point of entry, so I’m assuming whatever these are came from inside the moths? Thank you in advance submitted by /u/wickposting
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Phyllium elegans "nanga nanga". 2 and 4 days old

Phyllium elegans "nanga nanga". 2 and 4 days old submitted by /u/LonelyDunes
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Two-striped jumper

Two-striped jumper submitted by /u/disusernamealsotaken
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inquiry for dermatologist entomologist practitioners mite enthusiasts or sufferers of no see ums dust mites invisible bites stings itches bed bugs parasites loss of sleep burn pinch stab prick stab rash bump hive infection paranoia insect bugs clothes moths eating seams lint pepper flakes threads

Hello, I want to get people who understand or are trying to …..

I’ve only spent average 5 hours each day since July27 2020 on this. surprisingly, Australia/NZ have the most hits for parasites/bugs/mites/ scabies. They have a good med site compared to our cdc in usa.

I’ve found reading about any disease or affliction that I could be experiencing which is rather a lot. I have grown more appreciative when i am given good care. unfortunately we are the ones in experiments, being practiced on. hence its a medical practice… i rather say health or human scientist. compared to physics science or environmental science. doctors are human scientists. health scientists are closely related but not the same. lol

if you consider this. hence why things take so long to diagnose or resole. This is why we have taken to the internet. we are seeking answers to our dilemmas.But most credible resources came from these:,

I guess you can agree or disagree and I am not a doctor. I’ve onl;y studied what I could find ad infintum per statement previously. Hence I would like anyone with more depth and length of what my knowledge is to respond. There has to be some scholarly or academic or research that can contribute to my theories and provide solace to thousands including myself.

why do we all get more itchy what are the flakes and the extra lint. thats what i want to stop. i want none of those. i want my hair to not hurt me and i want things to not behave weirdly. why dust appears minutes after i’ve wiped down something. why my computer screen will have specks when i cleaned it not long before, why i have to clean my bathroom like i’m a hotel maid. but actually, i have alot of reasons why or how these things are occuring i guess its how to make them stop. how do i stop all the dust. how do i stop the lint. how to stop itching, dust and particles. the friggen microscopic bugs that i can barely see a glimpse of when i look with my 10x magnification mirror. I see them! barely. oh… driving me nuts!!! why now. why? oh right allergist said you dont really want to know why cause then what, what would that solve. thats what he said. oh my goodness. i said then i know!!! not knowing is the worst!

submitted by /u/2centsSeattle
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A handsome boy! (Girl?)

A handsome boy! (Girl?) submitted by /u/drowsy_flower63
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