Saturday 31 October 2020

where could I obtain an European hornet state to have them thrive on my balcony?

So first of all, please don't try to talk me out of it. It's not possible. It's gonna happen.

Originally I wanted to put up a honeybee hive literally on my balcony to do something against the extensive insect extinction. Apparently European honeybee's aren't really close to extinction or even threatened. Many people like honeybees.

When it comes to European Hornets, the situation is completely different. They are officially protected in my jurisdiction, since they're in decline and they count as "threatened". Most people see them as pests (I don't). They're often illegally killed. If you officially want to remove a hive, you'd have to call a special office from the municipality, to have them sent someone who will then repatriate the hive.

But sadly, in some cases the Hornet state would be killed using pesticides from a hardware store.

That's why I want to give these friendly insects a safe harbour on my property.

But how to get my hands on a hornet state or queen?

Obviously I wouldn't want to take them out of the wild.

I tried to call some local pest-control companies. Maybe they'd sell me a hive rather than kill the hornets. I had no success so far.

Moreover, I couldn't find a place that sells European hornets.

Any suggestions?

I'm planning this in advance for next spring, want to get it right.

Location would be Germany

submitted by /u/touching-the-voids
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