Thursday 4 November 2021

What are some Good Publications about the Ecological Roles of Anopheles funestus?

Because A. funestus is a significant transmitter of malaria to humans, I was wanting to know what roles the species has in its ecosystem.

Unfortunately, it was hard to find specific information about that. The most I found were a couple recent papers basically saying "A. funestus lives in these specific water areas and also likes to lay its eggs in man-made areas". I was more-so interested in what the species does in its ecosystem. I can imagine they larvae are food items for other aquatic fauna but I want to know what exactly eats A. funestus larvae. I also wanted to know what adults do. Are they regularly eaten by birds in their native areas? Are there any non-human species they'll target?

I hope my description is clear enough to get at what I'm looking for!

submitted by /u/mjmannella
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