Monday 28 June 2021

Cryptopid centipede

This evening I was sitting on the couch and I saw a centipede sitting on my shirt! I jumped up and screamed and flung it somewhere, my husband saw it and removed it. It was maybe two inches long? I live in central Washington, and after searching for common centipede species here I am fairly certain this is what it was. I also saw a lot of articles about centipedes crawling in beds but I don’t know if these ones do that? We have a metal bed frame with smooth metal legs. Could one crawl in my bed? This is also the first one I have seen in this house (I saw them very occasionally in my old apartment) and I have lived in this house for about two months. I thought they typically avoided people and liked to hide so I am not sure why it was just sitting on my stomach in the fully lit living room but here we are.

It’s after midnight and I can’t sleep because every slight touch makes me jump out of my skin.

Please help.

submitted by /u/Lezzylace
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