Saturday 29 May 2021

Kids Butterfly Kit Question

Got my daughter a butterfly kit from InsectLore with 10 caterpillars that should hopefully turn into painted lady butterflies. She’s OBSESSED. Unfortunately, I didn’t consider the timing, as we are leaving on a road trip from MA to ME in 8 days. Half of the caterpillars became chrysalides today and the others look like they’re getting ready (hanging from top). So here’s the thing - seems like we’ll likely be leaving before they turn into butterflies (or just as they begin to emerge). I’m going to have a very disappointed 3yo on my hands. 🤦🏼‍♀️ You think we can (carefully) take them on our ~5hr drive or will the inevitable bumps/turns of a road trip be too rough for them? Trying to decide if we take them with us or give to a friend to keep and send video updates.

submitted by /u/tiffiana
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