Tuesday 29 December 2020

What is the use of fruit flies, drain flies and fungus flies?

Like I really want to know. To me, in my life, they are stupid, useless pieces of sh!t that don't do anything but fly in your face, constantly annoying you, evaded your space and have no benefit to being in your house, around you or just existent in general. They are small and insignificant. They have no benefit to nature and the world outside of annoying creatures and eating pieces of food. They aren't even beneficial in protein or food-wise for other creatures since they are so small and almost nonexistent. I hate them and I am very spiteful towards these little stupid SOB mfers. Nothing I do gets rid of them and I'm tired of their ugly, stupid, annoying a$$es flying into my face and food every day for literally no reason and no benefit other than to annoy me and have me kill them.

What are the "uses" of these insects other than watching them buzz around stupidly in science experiments?

submitted by /u/AntiBullshyt
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/Entomology/comments/kmb1ez/what_is_the_use_of_fruit_flies_drain_flies_and/

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