Friday 27 November 2020

The Roach and the Darkness

I heard a bag rustle behind me, cloaked in the darkness of my room. I turn to look, at first taking only a glance as I assure myself it’s nothing. But upon a curious second gaze I whiteness it. A large cockroach scurrying along the baseboard, his dark brown pill body contrasting against the faded cream color of the molding. I get up with the grace of fear, sliding my hand over a shoe for the imminent execution. I lock onto my target, he freezes as if we are two cowboys about to draw. Before I make my move he slither-sprints into the closet. A bold choice, on one hand the density of the piled clothes and shoes will give him shelter, on the other he has just trapped himself. One way in, one way out and the only door I’m leaving open for him is straight to the abominable pit of insect Hell he dwells from. Upon entry he takes to a pile of winter clothes yet to be filed. This works momentarily as he goes in and out trying to confuse me, but alas I pull the clothes from him, he is exposed. But he’s got intellect, this is no moron arthropod, he bolts for the shoes, hiding under each heal like Odysseus in the troll cave. Clever. With each shoe I pull he takes cover in the next, he’s got me, until I use the very shoe he regards as his savior, to crush his mortal being. At first this is unsuccessful, one crunch two crunch three crunch four he’s still alive the bloody whore. But with one final head smearing press of a boot heal he is no more. His carcass immobile, I, a god among insects, stand over him laughing as his puny soul sinks into endless darkness.

submitted by /u/BeefnChedder
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