Friday 27 November 2020

How do insects with hive minds evolve?

how insects with a hive mind evolve? How does adaptation come about with such little genetic diversity? I understand simple life forms don’t need to worry about the adverse effects of inbreeding, but still. Some of these hive mind insects have seemingly overly situational units. Pheidole obtusospinosa has a giant head used to plug up entrances to the mound to protect from army ants. Freaking how? To me that’s like a hamster giving birth to a rat. Also how do they even diverge into different species in the first place? In a hive wouldn’t any offspring that so much as acted differently than other soldiers would be cannibalized or something? What’s more, how the hell did a creature manage to develop a hive mind? To me that sounds about as likely as rolling around in radioactive waste and coincidentally developing a mutation that’s beneficial (superpowers)

Does anyone else know how this happens? Any leading theories? Any videos?

submitted by /u/KWVance
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