Sunday 27 September 2020

Please give me info on Spider Beetles!

Please give me info on Spider Beetles!

I have a spider beetle. He is very cute and round and good. I do not have a pest problem, theres none other than him. All info online is about pest control, and how to get rid of them....

He is my pet, and I want to know how to care about him properly. I read about his diet and general lifespan being 8 months. He's getting close to that time, I found him in march.....

If anyone knows more about spider beetles and their needs please tell me.
I have a friend who works in entomology and herp, they said my set up for him was fine.

I feed him flour and theres a single nut in his tank, he seems to prefer to walk on it than eat it, but hes so small I wouldnt know if hes taken a bite, really... I spray the tank very delicately with fine water mist to keep moisture up and if he needs a tiny drop to drink. I made him a hide out of paper and cut out holes for him.

He always is very calm and relaxed even if i pick him up out of the tank or put him in my hand. I want him to have the best life a spider beetle can have. If you know anything I can do to improve his quality of life please let me know! And any facts about spider beetles helps.

submitted by /u/Bastetrulzus
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