Monday 3 August 2020

Ensign wasps keep attacking me

Hello everyone. I am currently dealing with a large number of ensign wasps in my apartment in TX. I know that these wasps prey on cockroach eggs, and I have the apartment complex send pest control regularly, as I have killed a few cockroaches. The problem I am having is that I keep seeing ensign wasps flying inside my house, and they always fly directly at me. Despite every educational article I have read saying that they will not sting or bite humans, I have been awoken in the night by them biting at me. I know that they are beneficial insects to keep alive, but every single one seems preoccupied with attacking me rather than finding cockroach eggs. Is there anything I can do to keep them out of my apartment?

Picture of ensign wasp so you know what I am talking about

submitted by /u/Windows_Tech_Support
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