Sunday 30 August 2020

Does anyone have details on the mouthparts and feeding mechanism of waterboatmen?

So i understand that Corixidae has one of the more specialised mouthparts amongst true bugs, adapted to an unusual food source and feeding habit. But i cannot find much details on it, i am not even sure what exactly they are feeding on, even though they are very common and abundant insects observation of its feeding is rather difficult.

What i can tell is that they lack a pronounced sucking mouthpart and do not feed by sucking sap from higher plants, all they seem to do is dive down to the bottom and plant its face into the muck, stirring it a little with its tiny forelegs. I can't really imagine a sucking stylet mouthpart would be a very effective feeding implement for whatever there is on the bottom of a pond, especially as it seem to either be fine particles or hard surface, neither of which can be pierced and sucked up.

Does anyone have any more information on what exactly is going on? Because the sheer abundance of waterboatmen must indicate they have got a niche worked out pretty well.

submitted by /u/Ephemerror
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