Monday 29 June 2020

Do stoneflies live in a stream year round?

I am a fly fisher and with that I find aquatic insects of the upmost importance. On a particular stream I was on I saw stoneflies fishing before and I had recently brought it up to my friends dismay. He had a strong opinion that this was not possible in the low quality of water this stream was known for. I am confident that I saw stoneflies hatching back then. We made a bet on if they were there or not and just went down to flip over some rocks. Try as I might I couldn’t find one maybe some microscopic stonefly/mayfly, but nothing definite. We are basically in prime heat here at the moment in Pennsylvania, and the water was running about 74 degrees, hot. So my question is if there is a stonefly population present will the nymphs be visible year round or only during colder months?

submitted by /u/etan_s
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